THE DEATHNOTE*qTR38_/deathnote.jpg

For the general idea for Death Note:
The Story’s about Light our main character finding the death note book and using it to kill criminals, he wants to be the god of the new world. Light starts killing criminals of all kinds by making them have heart attacks, slowly, the police suspects him and goes after him. And that is when L appears. L declares that Light is a murderer that should be stopped at all cost. The police then works together with L to try and stop Light. Light ends up harming people other than criminals…. becoming evil. As things get more exciting, Light uses the death note book in numerous ways. But there’s more than it meets the eye.

Movie Part 1:
The Story begins with the death note dropping on the floor. Some people dying, out of heart attacks. Light writing names in the Death note, showing how the people die and reports. At school, students are talking about Kira . Light and Shiori then talked about Kira. One Month ago, Light went into a bar to check up on a person. He went in and saw the person who murdered someone but did not get jailed as there wasn’t much evidence from the police then he left the bar, and saw a book on the ground. DEATH NOTE. He took the book home and thought the book was a prank. He then wrote a criminal’s name into the Death Note. Then went to sleep. The next day, he read the newspapers and was shocked. The death note is true. Then he met the person who murdered someone and wrote his name into the book. And the person died. Light then meets Ryuk, the shimigami. Ryuk talks to Light and then Ryuk tells Light many stuff. 4 months later, the police started to act. They held a meeting and talked about the many people who were criminals dying of heart attacks. Light’s father meets Masumoto and a official, they talked about Kira, L saying that Kira is in Japan and that is why the ICPO will be based in Japan. Watari presents L and show the data, Light’s father is the chief on this case. Moving onto Light, tell Ryuk that now on the web, there are many sites on Kira and gave Ryuk an apple . On the news, a person called Lind. L. Tailor, commonly known as L, talks about he’ll deal with Kira and that Kira will be defeated. Light writes Lind. L Tailor’s name on the deathnote, and he dies of a heart attack and then people brings him away. The broadcast then switched to the real L, with his logo. L clarifies some stuff and gives out some hints. Light and L both say they’re justice and swore to hunt the other down. The police (ICPO) confirms some facts and that the fake L is dead. Newspapers showing Kira Versus L were sold and many people brought it. Shiori and Light’s sister, Sayu were seen talking about Kira and L before Light appearing . Shiori and Light then talked about Kira and L. Their different opinions. Light and Shiori went to the art museum and wanted to try kissing at a public place, but didn’t, in the end. And back into the police meeting, ICPO. L concludes that Kira is a collage student. Then at Light’s house, Sayu and Light’s mother asked Light about his relationship with Shiori, just then, Light’s father returned home. Light asked if his father was working on the case and wanted to help but his father refused, saying that it is too dangerous and that it is his case. Light returns to his room, and gives Ryuk an apple to eat and uses the laptop , checking the police database. And writing the names of criminals, making them die every hour. The police then discusses about the possibility of Kira being a student and L said that Kira was saying that he have the power to control the time of death of a person. Light and L went on a walk , as Light talked about his plan and threw an apple but Ryuk didn’t take the apple, and it dropped onto the ground. Light then notices there’s someone following him and Light asks Ryuk for how long has the person been following him, Ryuk replies its been a day. Ryuk then declares he is not on anyone’s side, neither Light’s nor L’s. A man looks into Light’s bedroom as Light typed. Ryuk then gives more fact about Shimigami’s, the key differences between a human and a shimigami. That a shimigami’s eyes can see a human’s name and life span. The price is, half of the human’s life. Light rejects the deal. Back to the police , there were new reports, the prisoners, before dying of a heart attack, did something strange. One drew a star sign on the wall, another left a note and the last went into the toilet, before dying out a heart attack. L requests that the police report this as a normal heart attack. Light’s father asks for the reason and L said that Kira could be using these prisoners as some sort of experiment. Light enters the police database and reads the reports, Light tells Ryuk that the deathnote is accurate. On the news, there’s a news report on 3 men robbing a bank 2 got caught and one is not found yet. Light asks Ryuk and decided to use the man as a means to find out the name of the person whose following him. The man who was following Light was seen, watching over Light and Shiori. A bus with the words Misa love Misa printed onto it arrives and Light and Shiori enters. The guy who was following quickly follows and enters the bus, as well. Light and Shiori started chatting and Light reveals that someone is following him and Light questions the guy and the guy denies it. The guy who was being pursued yesterday entered the bus, hijacks the bus and points a gun at the driver. *Many many scenes that I’ll continue on another day*
*fast forward for now….*>>At the art museum, Light enters the building and sees Shiori being held hostage by Nanami , Nanami demands Light to admit that he is Kira , and gives her real name to him, telling him to kill her from where he is standing. Light continued saying that he is not K. then the police arrives and S breaks free of Nanami’s hold and runs towards Light, Nanami then shoot at Light and Shiori blocks it, getting shot at. Shiori fell and Light holds her, they kissed then Shiori died. Nanami could not believe it, and shot at herself. The police then went over. Then the police left. Light was seen alone, squatting then he talked to Ryuk when Ryuk said that Light has made a mistake. Light corrects him and tells him what he has done and plan with Death Note. Light’s father came to apologise to him and Light requested to join the police to revenge Shiori. L appears and meets Light.

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